Y1 Spotlight - Autumn Term
Well, what a first half term we have had!
Welcome to Year 1. The team kick starting Key Stage One is Mrs Curl, Miss Hall, Miss Muir, Miss Grimes, Mrs Lynch and Miss Roberts. We are on the lower corridor just past Reception, before the year 3 stairs and are always around to say ’hi’ and would love for you to tell us something great about your day! Pop along on your way to lunch to see us!
This half term we have been busy settling into our new year group, exploring all the new subjects that KS1 have to offer and reading lots of new texts. We have been making artwork using only line, we have been writing stories, lists and sentences including adjectives! In addition to this, we researched our local area and popped to our local park as well as working like a scientist and setting up experiments, measuring rainfall and making shadows.
This week we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and made our own sparklers and firework pictures using chalk and glitter … our night skies lit up!
One of our highlights has been making our special things in PSHE and learning what is special to different people. We have been practising giving and receiving compliments and sharing the love in Year 1.
We have just begun to research windmills and will soon be making one of our very own! In PE we have been gymnasts … working on balance, rolls, stretch and jumps. We have grown so much already but are excited to see what Autumn 2 has in store. We have Christmas plans just around the corner.
We have some new toys in our quad area, thank you to everyone who has donated, please keep them coming! We love to explore in the Year 1 quad and look out for the new additions out there.
We are really enjoying our extra reading sessions in class and have been teacher swapping, as well as sharing book reviews and setting challenges to find books with animals, or that are set at night to name just a few! Next weeks challenge is to find a book that has bears in it. Can you name one? Come and tell us!
Here are some of the children’s highlights this half term:
‘I love the quad, the dinosaurs roar!’ Archie
‘I like gym the best, I can do cartwheels’ Amie
‘Science is the best, we measure the rainwater in a jug’ David
‘I like our maths, counting and subitising and making lots of part part whole models, we do it every day!’ Arthur
‘I love the new reading books in our reading groups, they are long and we are reading big words … chunk them!’ Buddy
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