Year Five
Year 5 Information
Welcome to Year 5
Here you will find all the essential information regarding your child's class and daily routines.
Support Staff:
- Mrs Cox
- Mrs Stonell
PE (Physical Education)
We have two PE sessions each week. One session will be delivered by a sports coach, and the other by your child's class teacher. On the day that the sports coach leads the lesson, your child may come to school in their PE kit. However, on the day when their class teacher is delivering the lesson, your child must arrive in their school uniform. They will then change into their PE kit for the session. Boys and girls will change separately and will remain in their PE kit until home time.
Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit on their coach-led PE day. This should include their house-coloured t-shirt, school jumper, and unbranded black or navy bottoms. All jewellery must be removed before the lesson. Make sure their clothing is appropriate for the weather, as many of our PE lessons take place outdoors. On the other PE day, your child will need to bring their full kit with them to school. Please label all items to prevent any belongings from being lost.
Below is your child's PE timetable:
Class | Coach Day (Come in PE kit) | Class Teacher Day (Bring kit to change) |
5E | Wednesday | Tuesday |
5K | Wednesday | Tuesday |
5L | Thursday | Thursday |
As part of the Year 5 PE curriculum, children also attend swimming lessons at Morden Leisure Centre. Your child’s class teacher will inform you when these lessons will take place.
We encourage children to bring a healthy snack to enjoy during breaktime (11:00–11:15am). All pupils should bring a water bottle (containing only water) to school, which can be refilled throughout the day.
We provide all the necessary equipment for your child during the school day. However, to help ease the transition to Year 6, we welcome pupils to bring in a pencil case with their own equipment. If these items become a distraction, the class teacher may ask to remove them.
Your child should be reading at home daily. Pupils who read every day or make extra effort with their reading comments will have their name entered into the weekly Reading Raffle, with the chance to win a book of their choice!
In the front of your child's reading diary, you will find a document with ideas and prompts for their reading responses. Encourage your child to explore a wide range of genres, texts, and authors. We have a variety of books in our classrooms that they are welcome to borrow. It is highly beneficial for children to read aloud to an adult at least once a week, so you can support them and discuss the book together.
Homework is set on Seesaw each Friday, which is used across the school. If your child has difficulty accessing Seesaw online, they can request a paper copy from their class teacher. Seesaw is also our main communication platform for staying connected with your child’s teacher.
On Tuesdays, all pupils will be given a paper copy of their arithmetic homework.
Homework Timetable:
Day | Subject | Due |
Monday | Spelling & Reading | |
Tuesday | Arithmetic (on paper) & Reading | Wednesday |
Wednesday | Reading | |
Thursday | Reading | |
Friday | Retrieval Quiz (on Seesaw) | Monday |
Homework is expected to be completed at home and submitted on time. If your child struggles to complete it, we offer a free homework club on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Please speak to the class teacher if you feel this would benefit your child.
The children will have a weekly spelling test. Spellings are uploaded to Seesaw and Spelling Shed each Monday for pupils to start practising, with the test taking place on Friday. Your child should regularly use Spelling Shed to prepare. On Fridays, there is also a times table test, so we encourage pupils to continue practising with Times Table Rockstars. If they need their login details, please contact the class teacher.
Other Information
In Year 5, pupils have the exciting opportunity to nominate themselves as vice captain for their house team. This role allows them to assist with school events, including house afternoons.
We cover a variety of exciting topics in Year 5, including a study of Harry Potter, which includes a visit to Warner Bros. Studios, where the films were made. This is always a highlight for the children!
As part of our PE curriculum, the children are trained as sports leaders to guide group activities with younger pupils. Later in the year, they will have the opportunity to apply these skills during breaktimes and to assist with sports days.