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Mission Statement

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Empowering Our Schools

The Willow Learning Trust has a strong ethos and identity and a compelling vision for a Trust of a dozen schools in South/South-West London and bordering counties, secondary and primary, working together closely as equals with collaborative decision-making in a spirit of positive partnership to raise standards in our schools:

  • A Trust with a strong ethos of equality, diversity and inclusivity for staff and pupils which values the wellbeing of staff and pupils and supports work-life balance.
  • An academic, broad, innovative, challenging, rigorous, creative, engaging curriculum and evidence-based teaching and learning with a rich variety of opportunities for academic, artistic  and sporting excellence
  • The taught curriculum complemented by extra-curricular activities and enrichment to foster a spirit of aspiration, enjoyment and resilience and develop a sense of identity and community
  • Strong pastoral systems characterised by high expectations of behaviour, attitudes and achievement where pupils are known, cared for and supported as individuals, learn to behave with respect for all other members of the school and external community and show courtesy and good manners.
  • We aim to empower schools within the Trust by promoting autonomy: we encourage each school to maintain its individual priorities and identity with strong local governance, within a common Trust policy framework and financial, HR and governance structure.
  • A commitment to school improvement and raising standards with a commitment to developing an achievement culture where every individual is supported and challenged to succeed, encouraging high aspirations, ambition and effort as essential cultural values enabling our more able pupils to excel and all pupils to make outstanding progress.
  • Shared teachers, resources and facilities, particularly to support and develop the arts, sport and computer science and SEN expertise and staffing.
  • Secondary subject teachers to provide specialist support to build and broaden skills, knowledge and understanding in Science, MFL, the arts and sport and to aid transition by introducing Primary pupils to additional teachers
  • Collaborative work on the development and improvement of teaching and learning, sharing of best practice and centres of excellence for each school.
  • Shared CPD and joint working on schemes of work as appropriate.
  • Teacher training for Primary and Secondary trainees through the Sutton SCITT.
  • Premises and facilities that are attractive, safe and well maintained
  • Financial efficiencies and improved value for money, as through the Trust we will be able to share staff and reduce costs in administration, reprographics, ICT, insurance, premises, HR, legal and financial areas.

For more information on Annual Reports & Accounts, Executive Pay and Trustee information, visit The Willow Learning Trust website.