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Year Four

Year 4 Information 

Welcome to Year 4Image of all year 4 teachers and their roles

This is Year 4's information page where you can find all relevant information regarding your child's class and daily routines.

Support Staff: Mrs Blackburn, Mrs Knott, Mrs Tilbury


To maximise PE lesson time, children must be sent to school wearing their full P.E. kit on their P.E. day. This should be their house-coloured t-shirt, school jumper and unbranded black or navy bottoms. All jewellery must be removed prior to the lesson and long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Please make sure clothing is appropriate to match the weather as often our PE lessons will be outdoors.

On the following days, the children should come to school in their PE kit:

4A - Wednesday    4H - Tuesday   

On the following days, children should bring their PE kits into school:

4A & 4H - Monday

Snacks and Water:

We warmly encourage your child to bring a healthy snack to enjoy during their breaktime. All children are strongly advised to come to school with a water bottle (containing water only) which can be refilled throughout the school day.

Multiplication Tables Check:

Primary-school children are expected to know all their times tables up to 12x12. Under the current National Curriculum, children are supposed to know their times tables by the end of Y4. Schools will administer the MTC to Year 4 children in the three-week period starting Monday 5 June 2023.


Please see Year 4's Homework timetable below.

Day Homework Timetable
  • Daily reading/comment (due Tues).
  • Spelling Activity on Seesaw and Spelling Shed (due Weds).
  • Daily reading/comments (due Thurs).
  • Times Tables Rockstars (due Fri).
  • Daily reading/comment (due Mon).
  • Recap Quiz - link on Seesaw (due Mon).