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KS2 Euros Tournament

The past few weeks have been filled with excitement and friendly competition here at Aragon Primary as our students participated in the thrilling Euros 2024 tournament. Teams of six battled it out on our playground, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship in each match.

Today marked the culmination of this exciting tournament with the final match between Croatia and Serbia. The atmosphere was electric as both teams gave their all in a nail-biting showdown. After an intense match, Croatia emerged victorious with a close 2-1 win over Serbia. Cheers and applause echoed across the playground as Croatia celebrated their hard-earned victory.

Mr. Hicks, our KS2 PE Tournaments Lead, reflected on the tournament: "It's been fantastic to see the children's enthusiasm and dedication throughout the Euros tournament. They showed great teamwork and sportsmanship, making every match exciting to watch."

Congratulations to our Champions:

Antoni, Tre, Charlie, Buster, and Macey, members of Team Croatia, deserve a special mention for their outstanding performance and determination in the final match. Their teamwork and skill were truly commendable, earning them the title of champions.

Antoni shared his excitement, saying, "Winning the tournament feels amazing! It was tough playing against Serbia, but we worked together as a team and came out on top."

Tre added, "I'm so proud of our team. Everyone gave their best, and it paid off in the end."

A Big Thank You:

A heartfelt thank you goes to Mr. Hicks for organizing such a fantastic tournament that brought our school community together in friendly competition. The play team also deserves recognition for their hard work in refereeing the matches and ensuring fair play throughout.

Congratulations once again to Team Croatia and all the teams that participated in the Euros 2024 tournament. Your dedication and sportsmanship have made this event a memorable success for everyone at Aragon Primary School! 🏆