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Y3 Spotlight - Autumn Term

What an incredible start to Year 3 the children have had! They have settled into the new routines and have been learning lots of wonderful things.

In maths, we have been working hard to solve subtraction and addition number sentences with 3-digit numbers with renaming.

In English, we have been using our imaginations to design a new creature based on our story focus of ‘The Black Hat’, writing detailed descriptions using expanded noun phrases, similes, and personification. We have been super impressed with the children’s word choices to make their writing interesting to the reader.

Our science learning this term has been about Rocks. We are all amazing scientists and loved carrying out lots of exciting experiments. We have made predictions, recorded our results into tables and explained our findings. Our favourite part was finding out about fossils and then creating our own made from salt dough. The children have worked hard to learn new vocabulary and are fantastic at explaining. I am sure you will be impressed!

We had a wonderful time at Bookfest meeting the author ‘Olaf Falafel’. We couldn’t wait to start reading ‘Trixie Pickle Art Avenger’.

As part of Black History Month, year 3 participated in a workshop based on Malorie Blackman. The children enjoyed the drama-based activities and learning all about her. 

We are tremendously proud of how hard all the children have been working and they are all superstars!