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Celebrating Year 6's Unforgettable PGL Adventure!

We are thrilled to share the incredible experiences our Year 6 children had during their PGL residential trip to Marchant's Hill! Last week was filled with overcoming challenges, making new friends, and representing our school with pride.

Mr. Myers, Assistant Headteacher who attended the trip, remarked, "It was amazing to see how the children tackled every activity with enthusiasm and determination. They truly made the most of every moment."

Throughout the week, our Year 6 students participated in a wide range of thrilling activities that tested their skills and pushed them out of their comfort zones. From raft building to zip lining, rifle shooting to fencing, they embraced each challenge with courage and teamwork.

"We had the best time ever!" exclaimed Lilly, reflecting on the trip. "I never thought I could zip line, but I did it, and it was so much fun!"

"We made new friends from other schools, and the instructors were really nice," shared Khaleah. "I loved every activity, especially raft building!"

A huge thank you goes out to all the staff who accompanied the children on this adventure-packed trip. Your dedication and support made this experience possible, and we are immensely grateful for your commitment to providing our students with such a memorable and enriching experience.

The Year 6 PGL trip to Marchant's Hill has not only been a highlight of their final year at primary school but has also created lasting memories and friendships that will stay with them for years to come. Well done, Year 6, for your resilience, camaraderie, and adventurous spirit!