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Year 4 Spotlight - Summer 1

This half term, we have become persuasive writers! We have been generating and creating ways to convince people to visit different locations such as the cinema and seaside. We even had a go at creating our own radio advert using our persuasive techniques. We also looked at a story called 'Wolves in the Walls' in which we explored the use of powerful adverbs and alliteration.

In Maths, we have been very busy, looking at place value and decimal points which are one of our most challenging units in Year 4. We have also begun exploring geometry, where we have learned all about the angles and names of triangles and quadrilaterals. Feel free to quiz the children on these topics when you can! Next half term, we will be learning about position and movement which will focus on translation and movement of shapes.

In Science, we have been studying human digestion within our 'Animals including Humans' unit. The children had a fantastic time creating their own digestive system using a bag, tights, bananas, biscuits, orange juice and water. The children described the investigation as fun, disgusting and fascinating, and I’m sure you can see why from the images below. We also learned all about our teeth, their functions and why its so important to look after them.

PE has been great fun and engaging this term, we have been looking at performing a headstand, which many of the Year 4's have been very good at and have supported each other very well. With the coaches, the children have been getting ready for the cricket season, learning different bowling, batting and fielding skills. Summer 1 has been action packed for Year 4 and we can’t believe there is only one half term left until Year 5! We are all looking forward to a fantastic last half term.