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School Improvement Plan

Quality of Education To maintain high standards (FFT 20) in English and Maths, GLD and Phonics. To further raise standards in teaching and learning by embedding a culture of 'every minute counts', ensuring consistent QFT and high expectations. To maintain and further develop the quality of education for SEND pupils through effective monitoring and support. To continue to have the highest expectations of children's outcomes across the wider curriculum, including increasing opportunities for more oracy.
Personal Development To ensure pupils make a highly positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school and/or the wider community. To consistently offer pupils a wide, rich set of experiences. Our opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests are of exceptional quality. To ensure the school supports pupils to be confident, resilient, and independent, and to develop strength of character.  
Behaviour and Attitudes To increase and maintain high levels of attendance to 96%+ and 10% for PA. To continue to ensure pupils behave consistently well, demonstrating high levels of self-control and consistently positive attitudes to their education.    
Leadership and Management To provide all staff with targeted CPD and coaching to ensure they can perform their roles with maximum effectiveness and impact on pupil outcomes. To enagage with staff and be aware of and take account of the main pressures on them. To ensure that safeguarding is highly effective.