At Aragon Primary School, our aim is to provide an outstanding education that meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We are committed to ensuring that every child achieves their full potential, regardless of their individual challenges or barriers to learning. We aim to intervene at the earliest stage, to ensure that our children receive the most appropriate support as soon as possible. Our overarching aim is to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every pupil can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
“The needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well met. Learning is broken down into small steps and a range of strategies used effectively to motivate and engage pupils. Understanding is checked frequently and with care. As a result of this very precise teaching, these pupils access learning well.” OFSTED December 2019 |
We believe that high-quality teaching is the most effective way to meet the diverse needs of all our pupils. Our teachers are knowledgeable, skilled, and trained in meeting the needs of all our children and providing them with ‘Ordinarily Available Provision*’. They have a deep understanding of the different types of SEND and how these can impact learning.
Through thoughtful planning and preparation, our teachers teach lessons that are adapted to cater to the varying abilities and learning styles of our pupils. We use formative assessment strategies to identify individual strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in learning. This enables us to tailor teaching approaches and resources to meet the specific needs of each pupil, ensuring that all children are appropriately challenged and supported.
We work closely with parents/carers to understand the individual needs of their child, valuing their expertise and involving them in decision-making processes. We work closely with external agencies, such as educational psychologists and speech and language therapists, to provide specialist support when needed. The collaboration between all stakeholders ensures a holistic and coordinated approach to supporting our pupils with SEND.
We provide targeted support and researched-based interventions to meet the specific needs of our pupils with SEND. Our SEND coordinator (SENDCo) plays a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating these interventions. They work closely with teachers and support staff to identify and address barriers to learning. Support Plans are developed for pupils with SEND, outlining tailored targets and strategies to support their progress and shared with families and all staff. Our support staff receive bespoke training in the delivery of a wide range of interventions, who measure, monitor and review progress made against starting points.
At Aragon Primary School, we pride ourselves on our support for children with SEMH (Social, Emotional, Mental Health). We have a soft start to the school day available for those who need it and a lunchtime provision, ‘Cool Box’, where children are able to play in a quieter, less stimulating environment. In addition to this, our two ELSAs provide emotional literacy support for children experiencing anxiety, bereavement or for those who struggle to control their emotions.
SEND Provision in EYFS
We employ a robust system for early identification and assessment of SEN, incorporating a range of tools and strategies:
- Language Link
- Reception Baseline Assessment
- Keep-up groups for Early Reading and Mathematics
- Close monitoring of children’s progress and achievement
- Collaborative discussions with parents and carers
- Effective observations and assessments
- Working closely with external agencies eg. Speech and language therapists, educational psychologists and occupational therapists
Our classrooms and outdoor area are appropriately resourced with a variety of sensory materials, assistive technologies, and adapted learning resources, promoting an inclusive and accessible curriculum for all children. Parents are regularly kept up to date with their child’s progress. Despite limited opportunities to develop their communication and language skills, due to being born just before the pandemic, children with SEND at Aragon made substantial gains in their PSED and communication and language skills, compared to the local authority. Our inclusive environment fosters a culture that values diversity, empathy, and mutual respect. All children, regardless of their abilities, embrace the principles of empathy and kindness towards others, promoting understanding and acceptance throughout the school community.
Our outstanding provision for pupils with SEND has a hugely positive impact on their progress and well-being. By implementing the strategies outlined above, we have seen tangible outcomes that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach:
- Improved academic outcomes: Pupils with SEND consistently make progress in line with or exceeding their individual targets. They achieve academic outcomes that reflect their abilities, potential and hard work.
- Enhanced social and emotional development: Our nurturing and inclusive environment fosters positive relationships, self-confidence, and emotional well-being among pupils with SEND. They feel valued, supported, and included, leading to improved self-esteem and resilience.
- Successful transitions: Pupils with SEND are well-prepared for transitions, whether it's moving to a different year group or transitioning to secondary school. We work collaboratively with receiving schools to ensure a smooth transition process that minimizes disruption to their education.
- Positive parental engagement: Parents/carers of pupils with SEND feel well-informed, supported, and involved in their child's education. We maintain open lines of communication and hold regular meetings to discuss progress, share strategies, and ensure a consistent approach between school and home, knowing that this is key to a child’s success.
The impact of our SEND provision is visible in the achievements and well-being of our pupils. Feedback from parents, carers, and external agencies reflects high levels of satisfaction with our SEND provision We continuously evaluate our practices, seeking feedback from all stakeholders, to further improve our provision and ensure that every pupil's needs are met effectively.
78% of children with SEND met the expected standard in Reading at the end of KS2 compared to 21% of children meeting the expected standard in the local authority.
89% of children with SEND met the expected standard in Maths at the end of KS2 compared to 43% of children meeting the expected standard in the local authority.
SEND children made well above average progress in Reading and Maths at the end of KS2.
End of KS2 Data July 2023
Ordinarily Available Provision is guidance available to our teachers that covers four broad areas of need: communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health, and sensory and/or physical needs. For each area, our teachers have a set of strategies and interventions that are used to access the core knowledge and vocabulary taught to them.
Some of these strategies include:
- Adapting the learning materials that some children use because they learn in a different way to others
- Providing visual aids, symbols, gestures or sign language to support communication
- Using positive behaviour management techniques and rewards to promote self-esteem and motivation
- Providing sensory breaks, equipment or adaptations to reduce stress and anxiety
- Collaborating with external agencies and professionals to access specialist advice and support
Key Areas for Development
To continue to implement the Ordinarily Available Guidance from Merton LA and take positive steps forward to develop and increase our Ordinarily Available Provision
To continue to develop ways for children to show their knowledge by using alternative ways of recording in their books
TO continue to implement child-friendly support plans, ensuring they are thoroughly and continually reviewed and analysed for progres
SENCO and Inclusion Lead: Katie O'Sullivan