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Pupil Leadership

At Aragon, we prioritise listening to our children’s thoughts and opinions. We actively encourage all our students to assume leadership roles and responsibilities within our school, offering them regular opportunities to express their views on matters that impact them. We value each child’s input, encouraging them to share their ideas, opinions, and feedback, regardless of their background or ability. Our aim is to help them understand and take an active role in a democratic society.


Aragon School Council

Each year, elections are held in every class from Year 2 upwards. Elected representatives attend meetings every three weeks and conduct half-termly assemblies to discuss issues, ideas, and events raised within the council. These assemblies provide updates to the school community and ensure that pupil voice remains transparent. Additionally, representatives report termly to the School Governors. Within the council, children take on roles of responsibility, including:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Marketing
  • EYFS Liaison
  • Governors Liaison
  • Eco Warriors Liaison
  • OPAL Liaison
  • Wellbeing Committee Liaison

This is their Mission Statement 2024:

Our vision is for all the children at Aragon Primary School to be able to have a voice and contribute towards the continuous improvement of our school and the wider community.  It is our aim, as the School Council, to strive to empower our peers to do their best and develop perseverance and resilience that will enable them to achieve great things for themselves and our school.  We will do this by being excellent role models and always ensuring we show respect, kindness and enthusiasm, both within the classroom and playground alike. We vow to value every contribution made by our peers and fully represent their ideas within all School Council meetings. We will endeavor to lead Pupil Voice to a high level of success as children are the heart of our school. 

House Captains

At Aragon, we have four houses: Phoenix, Unicorn, Griffin, and Dragon. The names were chosen by the children in 2018, with each house represented by a colour and a British Value. Children display their house colour in their ties and PE kits.

Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to become House Captains, supported by a Vice House Captain from Year 5. These roles are awarded based on the quality of their application responses and their contributions to the school community. These prestigious positions come with high expectations, requiring dedication and commitment throughout the academic year. House Captains are seen as junior members of staff and are expected to carry out their roles with responsibility and respect. Each house also has a staff member assigned to support and guide the House and Vice House Captains as needed.

The positions not only allow the Year Six and Year Five pupils to lead by example and demonstrate their responsibility, but it also enables the younger children to learn from a good example.

The role allows Year 6 and Year 5 pupils to lead by example, setting a positive standard for younger students. House Captains guide and support their house members in a range of house competitions and school-wide events, including health and wellbeing activities. Working closely with the House Lead and other staff, they help coordinate ideas for competitions, house activities, and house afternoons. Their duties include monitoring House Points and demonstrating exemplary behaviour, attitude, and presentation.

PE Prefects

Two children from each class are elected as PE Prefects, tasked with a range of responsibilities:

  • Encouraging all students to participate actively and stay motivated in PE lessons.
  • Assisting staff with collecting and putting away equipment.
  • Supporting staff in selecting the ‘sportsperson of the lesson’.
  • Serving as role models in PE lessons.
  • Assisting during Sports Days.
  • Helping the PE Leads to maintain a tidy PE cupboard and ensure equipment, such as balls, is in good condition, reporting any damaged or missing items.
  • Publicising information on fixtures and trials.

Eco Warriors

The Eco Warriors are the school’s champions of sustainability, committed to reducing the environmental footprint of the school. Our Eco Committee meets monthly, comprising representatives from every class in Year 1 through to Year 6. They lead environmental initiatives, promoting sustainability, recycling, energy conservation, and overall care for the environment. This committee might organise litter-picking events, plan tree-planting projects, or advocate for the reduction of plastic use in the school. Eco Warriors also work on educational campaigns to inform their peers about the importance of environmental stewardship, ensuring that students understand their role in protecting the planet.

Reading Champions

To support early years children in learning to read, Year 6 pupils are invited to become ‘Reading Champions’. After attending training sessions, they are paired with one or two younger students, with whom they spend lunchtimes reading. The bond that develops between our oldest and youngest children through this programme is wonderful to see. They may also organise reading challenges, recommend books, or assist with events like World Book Day.

Mental Health Champions

These children are who are nominated by their classmates to give their ideas on how their wellbeing and the wellbeing of their peers could be aided by school. For example, emotional check ins happening after every break, or how we celebrate key date such a World Mental Health Day.  They are trained to support their peers by offering a listening ear and encouraging a positive school atmosphere. These ambassadors may organise activities that promote mindfulness, friendship-building, and stress management, such as lunchtime clubs or awareness campaigns around mental health. They are also alert to any signs of bullying or loneliness among students and act as a point of contact for those who need help or advice. The children have a voice in how wellbeing looks at Aragon.


Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders are tech-savvy pupils who support the school’s use of technology and promote safe, responsible digital practices. They assist both students and teachers with digital literacy, helping with software, devices, and online tools. In addition to providing technical support, Digital Leaders may help to run workshops or assemblies on topics such as online safety, cyberbullying, and the responsible use of social media. Their role includes fostering a positive and secure digital environment, ensuring technology is used effectively and responsibly within the school community.


 Room 13

This committee is overseen by our resident artist, Louise Frewin.

This is a cooperative which is organised and run by the children themselves. There is an open invitation to all children in KS2. They organise their own activities and share ideas about what to produce. They organise their own fund-raising activities and offer popular after-school sessions for ex-Aragon children


OPAL Monitors

These are children who have been awarded this status due to their responsible attitude at OPAL play. They will have consistently helped with organising activities for other children, helped with clearing up, picking litter and supporting children who are feeling down. They are visible at lunchtimes as they wear a lanyard and badge.